all postcodes in DN16 / SCUNTHORPE

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Postcode Area

DN / Doncaster

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DN16 1AA 3 3 53.582529 -0.655417
DN16 1AB 1 1 53.581255 -0.655653
DN16 1AD 32 9 53.568718 -0.619254
DN16 1AE 9 4 53.567398 -0.61659
DN16 1AL 6 5 53.566974 -0.618526
DN16 1AP 5 5 53.579113 -0.626071
DN16 1AW 1 1 53.57054 -0.61537
DN16 1AX 7 7 53.576795 -0.623836
DN16 1AZ 1 1 53.57764 -0.624684
DN16 1BA 1 1 53.569053 -0.623649
DN16 1BB 1 1 53.573157 -0.622504
DN16 1BD 10 10 53.574946 -0.623854
DN16 1BH 1 1 53.567148 -0.622156
DN16 1BN 11 11 53.574624 -0.62812
DN16 1BT 8 8 53.575441 -0.626462
DN16 1BZ 5 5 53.577769 -0.626255
DN16 1DA 3 3 53.577721 -0.625169
DN16 1DD 3 3 53.57756 -0.628644
DN16 1DE 6 4 53.5771 -0.628463
DN16 1DJ 12 10 53.580894 -0.630167